Master Gardeners at the Ottawa St Market
Rural Routes takes home agri-innovation award
Check out the video below on the recent Premier's Awards for Agri-Food Innovation Excellence ceremony, at which Rural Routes was named an award winner! Karen Burson, who accepted the award for her work on last year's series of local farm tours, appears around 2:25.
Rural Routes heads to Murphy's Country Produce
The July 9th adventure was the first of the summer in Environment Hamilton’s series of bus trips to local farms, and it was a great success! Brian Murphy, his daughter Megan and the friendly staff at Murphy’s invited the 40 of us to harvest from fresh and plentiful fields of strawberries, raspberries, sweet peas and fava beans.
Some spent an hour and a half filling their baskets in the fields, while others took some time to enjoy the beautiful day in the shade. Before leaving the farm, everyone stopped at the market to buy whatever they had missed during the pick, or to pick up some cherries and strawberry jam.
Many thanks are due to Smart Commute and HSR for their support.
Be sure to get your tickets soon for our next trips! On August 6th, we’re heading to Shearlea Acres in Lynden for their eighth annual Corn Fest! The Boar and Chick Farm in Troy, which specializes in meat, will be the destination for the September 10th trip. An October trip is also in the works, though details are to be determined.