Hamilton Food Charter

A city advisory committee, the Community Food Security Stakeholder Committee is setting out to write a food charter. This charter will creat a vision that will guide food policies in our city. And we want your imput.
   We invision a food charter that will:
- promote healthy, safe, nutritious, and accessible food system
- support sustinance practices and promote the economic viability of our farmers
- support a just food system
- support a vibrant local food system
But we need to hear from you! Whast would you include in a Food Charter? Be part of creating a food charter for Hamilton. A Food Charter would help shape "A Healthy, Sustainable and Just Food System for the Community of Hamilton".

To contribute to the charter, register by calling 546-CITY (905-546-2489) for one of the six public consultations. Please identify any accessibility needs at the time.

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